Mikeneko Pet is a pet grooming service and retail store located in Adelaide. The design focuses on using a matcha-inspired color to create a calming quality that softens the ceiling and horizontal lines of the display units.
In keeping within the budget, the original gridded ceiling was kept exposed which guided the rest of the spatial planning, creating a clean and functional retail space.
Project Deliverables
Concept & Branding Design (existing condition applied)
Design Documentation Owner Approval
Planning Permit & Building Permit Approval Documentation
Construction Review
Design Documentation Owner Approval
Planning Permit & Building Permit Approval Documentation
Construction Review

Using a natural wood laminex finish for the cabinetry, the design is reminiscent of Japanese woodworking. The store also features a ‘style room’ where the pet grooming service is viewable through the display window, allowing for an interactive service between the customers and their pets.